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Wednesday, May 27, 2009


God, angel baru merenung baru2 ni,,, angel mgkn org yg cuexxx bgt x y God?
kdank angel nda tau kl God ud kasi "malaikat2" d sekitar angel yg biasa disebut teman...
akir2 ni angel banyak merenung n diajari sm God ttg persahabatan lewat sahabat2 d sekitar angel,,, dl angel mikir i can live by myself,,, tp tnyata i can't... God, angel tsentuh sm kasih dr temen2 angel,,,
through them You teach me how to b a friend,,, You teach me not to judge, You teach me to accept other, You teach me to b there for other,,, You teach me Lord utk bs tbuka sm org laen,,,
You teach me to receive love from other, to understand other, to care for other, to see from other point of view,,, utk slg membangun n blajar menghargai n mengasihi org laen,,, thx y God utk teman2kuwh,,,
thx God utk mreka yg ad buat kuwh, utk mreka yg tertawa sm2 ak, utk mreka yg mendengar tangis kuwh, utk mreka yg mempercayai ak utk jd tempat crita mreka, utk mreka yg memberi ak kasih, utk mreka yg mau menerima kasih kuwh, utk mreka yg menegor ak, utk mreka yg mau mendengar ak, utk mreka yg menerima ak ap ad ny, utk mreka yg mau menjadi bagian dr hidup kuwh,,, menjadi sahabat2kuwh,,,
nama2 mreka akan sll ad d hati kuwh n doa kuwh,,, bless them Lord,,,, ^^


Accepts you as you are
Believes in "you"
Calls you just to say "HI"
Doesn't give up on you
Envisions the whole of you (even the unfinished parts)
Forgives your mistakes
Gives unconditionally
Helps you
Invites you over
Just because
Keeps you close at heart
Loves you for who you are
Makes a difference in your life
Never Judges
Offers support
Picks you up
Quiets your fears
Raises your spirits
Says nice things about you
Tells you the truth when you need to hear it
Understands you
Values you
Walks beside you
Yells when you won't listen and
Zaps you back to reality
May we always be "good buddies"
May we always be good friends
and may our friendship be the kind
that never ends...


Vir said...

Haha.. Makasih udh dianggap 'angel'.. Thx 4 everything..

Ana imut said...

kata2 yang sangat indah n sangat membangun..
makasiy yah ngel udah dadi my realfriend..aku udah menganggapmu sebagai seorang saudara meskipun kita bukan dilahirkan dari seorang ibu yang sama tapi kita punya bapa yang sama..thanx juga udah sering mendukung gw n jangan ernah lelah buat sahabatmu ini ok ngell..thanx my sist..aku mengasihimu..

Micko widjaja said...

malaikat emang harus temenan ama malaikat lainnya gel.. hue

princess-angel said...

@ vira : muachh jg, hahahah ^^

@ lusi : iyaaa, jgn lupain gw y lus,,, akir2 ni qt jarang komunikasi gt jd sediiii,,, maap jg yaa jarank sms coz akir2 ni gw sibukkk bgt,,,
lo jg jgn lelah sm nasihat tmen lo ni yg kdank keras yaaa ^^
n jgn lelah jd sahabat gw ^^

@ micko : kau memank malaikat cay ^^

comelyvia said...

T O P . . .

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