with You i can go through any storms...
You gave me strength,
You gave me hope,
You comfort me,
You never leave me alone in the darkest valley of my soul,
You do understand what i'm going through
n You always with me...
God aku bersyukur pada kenyataannya Engkau setia...
saat aku bersukacita, tertawa, tersenyum Kau selalu ada...
saat aku dalam kesesakan, bingunk, takut, sakit Kau selalu ada...
saat aku tidak menyembahMu bahkan saat marah2 Kau selalu ada...
Kau Tuhan yang nda pernah meninggalkan anak2Nya...
saat ku tertawa Kau bersuka,
saat ku dalam kesesakan Kau setia menghibur,
saat ku marah2 Kau jg ada n sabar terhadapku dalam menjalani proses...
thx Lord...
this several days i know You more...
Your grace abounds in me...
never You forsake me, but always u carried me...
when i cried in the darkest valley of my soul, "leave me alone!!"
You said, "I love you with an everlasting love, i will never leave you..."
You still help me, even when i turned my back to You.......
and when i was help by You i said, "Lord, forgive me... i was wrong and You are right...
i thought You abandoned me, but You are faithful..."
and You said with smile in Your face, "I love you with an everlasting love...
i will carried You always..."
You are faithfull... teach me n help me to trust You more...