First of all i want to say Happy Chinese New Year Jesus...
I know You are celebrating it too because every nation is created by You and for You and through You... So, Happy Chinese New Year Jesus :)
God, all i want for this Chinese New Year is not just about blessing, not just about money or things like that...
I want You The Blesser live through me, live in me...
I want Your heart so i can love others like You have loved me...
I want to forgive like You have forgive me...
I want to be sincere like You...
I want to be kind like You...
I want to work like You have work...
I want to serve like You have served...
I want to have a character like You, Jesus...
I want to help people like You have helped me...
I want Your heart...
I want to have a greater intimacy with You...
Process me to be like You, Jesus...
So, people around me can live their life to the best...
Live in me, teach me, guide me, hold my hand, carried me is all that i want for this Chinese New Year...
This is my "angpow" from You :)
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